Case Studies

CRM System

CRM platform for clients across the world geared toward optimization and automation of banking operations.


Our client (financial institution) required an automated system allowing clients in different countries to open bank accounts easily without constraints. At that moment, the client had already created 30 landing pages targeted to various countries. The purpose of the landing page was focused on opening the bank accounts by submitting the application. 

What was the process of the submission of applications?

Website users of the landing page provided their data and requirements, which were then moved via email where the website managers were considering the application; afterward, they got in touch with the clients. 

The challenge consisted of slow processes that were managed manually, which impeded business growth and efficient management of customer relationships. 

Therefore, our main requirement was to develop an automated customer relationship management system allowing the client to streamline processes, efficiently manage customer relationships across the entire customer lifecycle, and get the complete record of individuals and transactions. We decided to move our clients’ vision forward and came up with a step-by-step plan on how to implement this system where the client could get the consolidated view of each customer and prospect. 


After careful consideration of the client’s requirements and business goals, we decided to split the solution into two parts:

  1. CRM system for internal operations where all the data is contained.

  2. Client-side of the system where customers have their data located in their personal cabinets.

In order to achieve the results mentioned above, we started to work on the system in milestones. 


  1. API Management system. We developed a management system for managers in order to facilitate the data transfer from landing pages to the system. For this purpose, we created an API for a CRM system to synchronize all data sets from different landing pages with users’ applications and send them to a unified server. As a result, managers were involved in keeping records. 
  2. Client-side of the system (client’s profile). Once clients apply to open a bank account, they get a login/password to their own cabinet where they can see all billing information in detail, manage their data and status about bills in banks, invoices, related documents, and contacts, with the ability to hold straightforward communication via this cabinet. 

    3. Extension of CRM system. With the growth of the clients’ base, the need to optimize the system and enhance its functionality occurred. We offered two solutions:

    -⁠ allowing managers to elaborate upon the statistics maintenance about the clients quickly.

    The attached payment system on the landing pages where clients could directly pay for the service.

    4. Financial accountability cabinet for bookkeepers. This system aims to automate the monitoring of each manager and charging interests for each contract with their clients. With this system, administrators (bookkeepers) are able to view precise statistics on each manager’s profit. 

    5. Notification system. We developed a notification system reminding clients of the annual payments via automated emails, removing the need to contact the clients manually. 

    Client's system for optimization of their workload on the landing pages. For this purpose, we developed a template for the client, allowing them to create other landing pages with ease. The number of landing pages increased up to 60 from 30 pages.

Technology Stack

  • Back-end: PHP, Laravel, NodJS.

  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Typescript.